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Meet the 2024-2025 Leadership Team!
Annelise Molavi
Annelise is a senior from Baltimore majoring in neuroscience and French and minoring in medical humanities.
Amina Stern
Vice President
Amina is a senior from New York City majoring in PNP (Philosophy, Neuroscience, Psychology) and minoring in business.
Natalie Pearce
Vice President of External Affairs
Natalie is a Junior from Washington, D.C. majoring in Global Studies and minoring in French and Business of Social Impact.
Stefy Campos
Stefy is a Junior from Miami, FL majoring in Finance and Economics and minoring in Psychology.
Kathryn Owens
Social Chair
Kathryn is a Junior from Des Moines, IA majoring in Marketing and minoring in Spanish and Arabic.
Executive Board: Coaches
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